On your knees, little man. Meet your maker. Worship and serve as you were created to.
Congratulations! you have found your true destiny! Worship Me, Anya, as the Living Goddess I am. Suffer for MY pleasure, sacrifice for My luxury and comfort, live for My radiant smile! You will Pay for My happiness in every way possible and you will learn to LOVE IT! My Words, My Beauty and My Power! Join My throng of minions! Cater to My every demand. Live to LOVE ME, PAY ME and OBEY ME!
My happiness and comfort is worth every sacrifice and effort. Work harder, spend less on you yourself. Deny Me nothing.
You come to Me a foul and worthless filthy creature…worshiping flesh and fetish. I cleanse you with MY FIRE.
I?will retrain your brain. My words tap into your subconscious and change old belief systems that do not serve MY best inte
pay-puppies, abstain from friendships and social settings. The only person you need in this life is ME your FEMGOD.