Motivational Domme
I've worked far too hard for My fit body, advanced education, and accomplished skillset to tolerate complacent losers who scroll and covet their days away with not a single actionable step toward the improvements they know they need. Surely, even a pathetic little bitch must get tired of the sameness: same old jacking off to the same scripted bullshit to (temporarily) forget the same procrastinations and unmet goals. If you're still reading this, you likely know you need discipline and crave structure. Luckily for you, I thrive on turning failures into something worthy of My attention. I'm not here to coddle you—I'm here to improve you. Under My control, you'll have no choice but to hit those goals you're too weak to reach on your own. Fitness, career, habits—I don't care what it is. Tell me your goals, obey My orders, and prove you deserve My time. Don't waste it, worm.