Michelles Loser hotline
Call this line and you will automatically be ignored. Once the phone is sat down and come listen to what you’re saying while I completely ignore you. Guess what I’ll be doing while ignoring your pathetic ass? Thats right, I’ll be doing whatever I want which could be, relaxing, listening to music, going to the spa, cooking food, cleaning up, making me a nice drink and anything else. But I’ll for sure be ignoring the hell out of you so hurry up and call me.

I just spent a hour of my valuable time cooking while ignoring the Pathetic Joe. Must be some loser to sit there getting ignore.

You’re so Pathetic! Call tho I miss having you listen to me

This loser really sat on the phone for 1hr while I ignored him

It’s my Birthday month and I have a party to plan for I don’t have time to talk to you.