My name is Insatiable Yasmeen, and your dick loves me already. You may not know it, but your dick knows it, and I know it because I'm the dick whisperer. Yes, the tall, sexy Latina with the sexy voice has an uncanny ability to use my voice in ways that cause dicks to rise upon my command. I know no one woman should have all this power, but alas, I do. As a dominant woman who preys on men and their weaknesses, I don't think of my predatory nature as a bad thing. I view it as a balancing of the scales. Men are taught to dehumanize and objectify women, and women are taught to grin and bear it. Well, in my world. I grin and objectify men, and they grin and happily take my pussy and ass to their faces. I toy with your feelings, use your body, and when I have no more use for you, I'm gone. This is the power of a dick-whisperer. As a dominant heterosexual woman, the worst part about enjoying dick has to be dealing with men. Men don't seem to grasp that the quickest way to stop a woman from even considering you as a fuck buddy is to keep running your fucking mouth. It could all be so simple if you muthafuckas would open your legs and shut the fuck up! I want your body, not your weak ass promises or demands for a...relationship. Lick my pussy, tongue my ass, give me my vitamin D, and SHUT THE FUCK UP! Furthermore, all of you big dick muthafuckas need to learn how to take a win and keep it moving. Too many of you dick-slangin' bitches think that your big dick automatically makes you unfuckwithable, and you shouldn't because having a big dick does not mean you know how to fuck. Let me say it one more time for the people in the back... HAVING A BIG DICK DOESN'T MEAN YOU KNOW HOW TO FUCK! Your big dick is a gift; knowing how to use your big dick is a skill—a skill a lot of you elephant trunk dick-havin' bastards have not taken the time to learn. Stroking the pussy right isn't a priority for too many men, and that's unacceptable in my world. Because a man with a big dick who can actually fuck is a beautiful thing...
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