T.T.M's Best Mommy Experiance! Boy's cannot resist my nurturing voice or my natural DDD's it is my pleasure to drain your cock!
I am a nurturing soul with a naughty disposition. I understand your depraved needs and offer many solutions and lessons that will improve your general disposition ,not to mention that individual attention you so deserve and may not be getting. Every Good Boy deserves a naughty fantasy Mommy to unleash that secret desire! No one loves you like MommyKnows because I know your naughty secrets and they are my secrets to!

It has been a great year! I enjoy nurturing every last one of you! I have the best clients, sharing private thoughts is an Honor

I sincerely feel honored to share your most private thoughts! I have the best clients!!!

I have so much fun talking to all of you! I love when you guys share your secret fantasy's and stories! I am so Lucky! xoxo